In making up with his wife, Julius often makes an effort to hug and kiss Rochelle but is always rejected by her the first time he tries. Though he realizes how his wife can sometimes become unreasonably upset with him, Julius always does his best to make up with her because he loves her so much. Being the levelheaded, even-tempered one as between himself and Rochelle, Julius is rarely the one who becomes upset with his wife like Rochelle becomes with him. In another episode, Rochelle wasn't using the food stamps that Julius instructed her to use. In one episode, Rochelle kept the fact that she was hiding money of her own from Julius. However, Rochelle can be just as sneaky towards Julius when it comes to money-related issues. Julius even kept the fact that he had been using a credit card from his wife, for fifteen years. As another example, Julius sneaked off to work after his wife instructed him to stay home to get his rest, since it was his day off. One example of this is Julius' pretending to be fast asleep when Rochelle bursted into one of her complaints about an issue regarding her hair at the beauty salon. In fact, because of his wife's intimidating personality, Julius makes many efforts to hide much of his behavior he knows his wife may have a problem with. In episode thirty-four, entitled "Everybody Hates Hall monitors", Julius' showed that he was growing weary of Rochelle's constant complaints about her new job, which led to a conflict between him and Rochelle.

For instance, one of Julius' pet peeves are Rochelle's long-lasting ranting complaints over whatever has frustrated her throughout her day. However, Rochelle has many habits that Julius would rather live without. Julius and his wife have a strong marriage and show that they care for each other a great deal. Julius and his wife, Rochelle, were married around the late 1960s. As the very tall, sturdy, hardworking man of the house, Julius has his very own living room chair, and sits at the head of the dining room table where he and his family always eat together. Other than his inconsideration and quirks, typically as a result of being a worrywart provider, Julius is a caring, soft-spoken, and even-tempered man. Already working two jobs and having a wife who tends to quit her jobs, Julius is somewhat justified in his extreme behavior. Being poor and bad off as it is, Julius doesn't want his family to struggle even worse. Though his money-related worries normally causes him to appear as if he couldn't care less about himself or his loved ones, Julius acts the way he does to protect them all financially.

As another example, no matter how sick he and his family were becoming, Julius wouldn't allow Rochelle to get a doctor involved. In one episode for example, no matter how deep of an emergency he and his family were in, Julius wouldn't allow his wife to get their insurance company involved. In fact, to keep from spending too much, Julius will make himself along with his entire family suffer, often to the point of him appearing outrageous and insane. He has loads of ridiculous ways to save money. This is why Julius must work multiple jobs for a living and is such a tightfisted workaholic. Julius and his family all live on a tight budget. Julius and his family reside in a rough lower-class neighborhood filled with thieves, gangs, criminals, etc. In 1982, Julius and his family moved out of the projects to a four-bedroom apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York.

He runs his household with his intimidating wife, Rochelle, over their three children, Chris, Drew, and Tonya. He collects rent from- and repairs household fixtures for the tenants living in the apartment. His second job is as the landlord in the apartment he and his family live in. On the show, which is set in the 1980s, Julius is a thirty-five year old man who was born in New York City, around 1950. The Julius character is loosely based on Chris Rock's actual father, Julius Rock. The show is based on the teenage years of Emmy Award winning comedian, Chris Rock. Julius is the father from the sitcom, " Everybody Hates Chris." Julius is played by actor, Terry Crews. Born = New York City, United States, USA Flagicon|New York, Flagicon|United States, July 11, 1950